Experience.com A college career services and jobs website.
Hellotxt.com Allows you to update all your social network statuses from one place.
JibberJobber.com A tool for job seekers, job hunters, recruiters, and headhunters to organize the job hunt and manage a professional network.
JobHuntersBible.com A job source by the author of What Color Is Your Parachute?
Jobsearch.about.com Interview tips and suggestions, interview questions and answers, interview attire, and interview thank-you letters.
Jobserve.com Offers 2.5 million jobs across 15 industries, and new jobs can be
delivered to you through RSS, text, etc.
Linkedin.com A professional networking site where you can build your résumé
profile, connect with past colleagues, view new job opportunities,
and connect with people who currently work at the target company.
Naceweb.org A website that is dedicated to the careers of college students.
Simplyhired.com/Indeed.com Job search sites that use search engine optimization to find all available positions.
Theladders.com An executive job board with opportunities that have salaries of $100K and above.
TwitterJobSearch.com This site allows you to search through Twitter, using keywords, to find a job or internship.
Job searching boards are great tools for recruiters and employers looking to fill vacant positions in their companies. They are large websites that listavailable jobs that potential employees can search through and apply to. The most common job finding boards are the large, advertised websites like
ReplyDeleteMonster.com, MaJob.net and CareerBuilder.com.
These huge boards have some advantages, such as the high availability of positions and wide range of professions represented. However, with so many careers to search through, it can sometimes be hard to find what you – the employer or employee – are looking for.Great idea putting the job title and the city in the job title field on all job postings. This is definitely the most effective way for candidates to find the exact jobs in the cities they want to work in.Job search for professional jobs in the most comprehensive source of $100K+ jobs on the internet: http://majob.net